Migraine Art

In 1980 and again in 1982 The British Migraine Association ran Migraine Art Competitions. This has created a sizable collection of images that illustrate the visual hallucinations and sensory experience of migraine victims. As this was a medical study very few of the artists’ names made it into Migraine Art. I have cataloged 12 images from this title and they are searchable by the title of the book in the “book source” field of the DID. You will need to specify painting, drawing, or manuscript in the “category.” I thought these images might be useful for those who have an interest in art therapy or related fields.

6 thoughts on “Migraine Art

  1. Great of you to do this — the Migraine Action Association has a wonderful collection, and they were very helpful to me with my book last year, Migraine Expressions: A Creative Journey through Life with Migraine. If you or any of your readers are interested in another source of migraine art and creative writing, it’s a breathtaking compilation of art and writing from 125 migraineurs in several states and countries, http://www.migraineexpressions.com Thank you!

  2. Thank you Erik for posting these. I am in the Arts in Medicine program at the University of Florida and I am writting a blog on the issue of Art Therapy and Migraines. I would love to know more about this artwork and If I may use one of the pieces in my blog? Thank you and I will look further into your site.

      1. Thank you! I did use a link to you and I did give everyone credit. This is all new to me. Doing the blog for a Arts in Medicine class. :0) BTW, I did buy the book.

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